My Story

Since my brother was first diagnosed with autism at the age of 2 1/2, I have dedicated my life and studies to help improve the lives of individuals with special needs and offer support for their families. This passion motivated me to pursue an education that would further enhance my skills to help families and individuals with special needs find opportunities within their community, and to build upon their strengths.

With the help of family and friends, this journey has allowed me to achieve my Honours in Psychology, and become an active member of our community. I received my Masters in Childhood Education and am a certified Teacher in Ontario. For three years, I worked for the Peel District School Board as an ASD Itinerant and In-School Support Person (ISSP Teacher). During these experiences, I had the opportunity to work collaboratively with Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, Psychologists, teachers, families, and a wide-spectrum of students. 

As my brother and his friends grew into adulthood, and having personally experienced the limited options in our community to support our special needs population coming out of high school, I saw the need to create a day program where adults with special needs are supported and encouraged to fulfill their greatest potential; to develop a sense of purpose and independence within our community.

New Horizon was created to help young adults develop life skills that will help them become contributing members of society and their families. New Horizon is dedicated to serving it's clients, representing their voice, and advocating for their needs. We look forward to the future and in discovering opportunities to make a difference! Thank you for your support in our program and within our community.
